Shanti Patty Owen
Dating Intensive with Shanti (DISH)
FINALLY, you can date BEAUTIFUL WOMEN who want MORE THAN your MONEY!
Tired of women who only want to rob your bank account?
Are you the type of guy who wants a beautiful woman however, that's all you get?
Wish you could find beauty, brains, and a heart of gold in one special Dream Girl?
Well dream no more! My name is Shanti Owen, a former Super Model known as Patty Owen. Like you, I found it difficult to find prospective dates who weren't out for my wallet, connections, beauty, or any combination of the above. I continued to find myself in the sugar mommy position and grew progressively weary that I could ever find my way out of this trap. I went through years of therapy, finally quit my lucrative life-style, lived in a monastery and still, I was not attracting the kind of romantic partner that matched my internationally savvy life-style. Then my mother passed away and with her death came the death of my personal dating blindness. I finally saw, with total clarity, what it takes for successful and powerful people like us to find our soul mates. I can't wait to share my findings with you!
I offer a unique day-long Dating Intensive experience I call DISH. Dating Intensive with Shanti. DISH is specifically geared to accommodate the time-challenged businessman who doesn't have the scheduling freedom to take a 6-week long course. From 12-noon to 12-midnight you will spend the day and night with me, DISH about all your issues with women, and I will share my Super Model dating gems of wisdom that will blow your mind!
Get ready to be pampered as your driver picks you up at the airport or train station and takes you to your hotel. If you arrive the night before, have a relaxing and restful sleep. If you desire a massage before bedtime, one will be arranged for you. Your driver will pick you up in the morning and take you wherever you wish to go in Manhattan. Your driver will then bring you for your 12-noon lunch session with me and will be at our disposal for the remainder of the day and night. Come to lunch dressed to impress! The first 30 minutes of the lunch will be a mock blind date with me. Give it your best shot. When the 30 minutes are up, I will give you crucial feedback and our magical DISH experience will kick into high gear!
Within the first 2 hours you will see your own blind spots, so you can move forward to find your Dream Girl with clarity, power, and passion!
Do you need a makeover? I can take you to the barber and clothes shopping to transform your look so you attract your Dream Girl.
Dating on-line? I will review and revamp your profile then edit your photos. Not dating on-line? I will get you set-up. Time to surrender to the most powerful time and cost effective way to meet your Dream Girl.
During the afternoon session, over coffee, you will learn what women really want and it's not your money. A special session on the anatomy and brain function of a woman's turn on will blow your mind!
You will enjoy another blind date for 30 minutes over dinner with an attractive woman. Here you will implement all that you have learned during the afternoon. Both your blind date and I will give you feedback.
Finally, you and I will go out-on-the-town as I function as your wing woman to attract fabulous women to your side.
The car will return you to your hotel by midnight before you turn into a pumpkin! Have a restful massage, sleep, and awaken to your car service, taking you blissfully to the airport or train station the next day. It is time for your fabulous new life to begin!
A new and exciting romantic life awaits you. Get ready to receive all the love and passion you have always dreamed possible. Dreams really do come true and they are waiting to come true for YOU!
I spent the past ten years only dating women that I was supporting financially. Shanti assured me that she could steer me out of this dead-end trap. I must admit I was skeptical. But within a few short weeks I was dating extremely interesting, successful, and very attractive women. I am now living with a beautiful and talented advertising executive and making plans to tie-the-knot. My hat's off completely to Shanti!
- Wallace, hedge fund manager, NYC, 54 years old
As a software developer I make a very good living. Women always tell me how handsome I am, what a great dancer I am, and that I am the ultimate catch. Guess I should have been delighted to have so many attractive women after me but I found myself getting progressively more and more angry that they seemed most impressed by my income. In my very first session with Shanti, she pointed out some traits about me that I was completely unaware of. I immediately started implementing her coaching and within days started attracting women who were not gold diggers. I am now married to a beautiful and sweet woman who I totally adore and I owe it all to Shanti.
- Ken, software developer, Philadelphia, 35 years old
At my age I was not looking to marry again. But I did want to attract a higher caliber of women to my stable. After my DISH Dating Intensive with Shanti, the caliber of women I began to attract was so much higher that I actually fell in love with one of these beauties. We split our time between my ranch in Arizona and her beach condo in Marina Del Ray. I couldn't be happier. Oh, and those other babes? I sent them all out to pasture!
- Joe, retired corporate head hunter, Scottsdale, 71 years old
What price can you put on finding “The One”?
Why haven't you found her yet?
How long do you plan to wait?!
The price of a life-time experience like DISH would normally run $10,000 - $15,000. Yet I am dedicated to every man finding his princess. For this reason I am only charging $4,950 for a full day and night of DISH. All transportation, meals, and drinks are included in this 12-hour Dating Intensive with Shanti. Let me, a world famous Super Model with decades of my own head banging trials, show you how you can FINALLY FIND TRUE LOVE! You will be blown away by my 33 years of transformational knowledge in the arena of intimacy. Allow me to open your heart and pull out your inner and outer red carpet so that your Dream Girl can waltz into your life!
Shanti Owen
P.S. DISH is designed for successful businessmen who are tired of banging their heads against the wall when it comes to finding their Dream Girl. You will emerge from DISH armed with crucial information, secret skills, and a renewed certainty that you will find YOUR Dream Girl!
P.S.S. I take only 2 DISH clients per month due to the intense preparations necessary to orchestrate all the elements of this phenomenal experience. Your DISH experience awaits. Get ready for a romantic banquet fit for a king!